corinne roth

How to FINALLY Get Rid of Urine Smell in Your Bathroom

Inside this Post: Get rid of the yucky urine smell coming from your bathroom! No harsh chemicals, just a simple, natural and VERY effective homemade cleaner to do the trick. 



One of the main ingredients is white vinegar and the reason this works so well is because is neutralizes the ammonia smell of urine.


Here’s what you’ll need for the cleaning recipe: 

  • Baking Soda (this is the kind of baking soda we keep in our house and use it often for detox baths and cooking, and most importantly, it’s aluminum-free unlike what most stores carry.)
  • Lemon Juice (I think fresh squeezed lemon juice is best but you can use concentrate, too.)
  • White Vinegar
  • Old Toothbrush (I always label ours JUST IN CASE.)
  • Something to wipe things down (washcloths or paper towels)
  • Trash bag or trash to toss any paper towels immediately after cleaning, if you go this route.